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No, I Haven’t Found My Passion Yet
I recently published a post that was titled "What it looks like when you've found your passion". Let me be clear, my creative world isn't bundled up into a neat little package. I want to be real with you guys. While I've certainly found several things that I consider myself very passionate about, my creative future is still very hazy to me.

Regarding experts
As long as we share valuable and real knowledge, we're contributing to the greater good of the community. We just have to remember that most people are in that fuzzy grey area and take it all with healthy skepticism. But that shouldn't stop us from learning and spreading knowledge when we can.
How to watermark your blog photos quickly, plus a Photoshop tutorial video
You worked hard to create your blog images. Do you really want someone stealing your hard work? It's a good idea to watermark your photos and images so that you will get credit for your images in the future.
Blog commenting isn’t dead: Optimize your communication with a branded photo
Always wanted to get your beautiful face to show up next to your comments, but never knew how? In a couple of easy steps, you’ll be rolling in no time.

Just Wing It
Put yourself out there. And if you're worried about perfectionism or appearing amateurish or whatever, just remember that your hard work pushes you in front of the crowd already. Plus, everyone else is just winging it.

Updated home office tour
I just moved: come see my new home office. Here's how my desk and area is set up, with budget-friendly furniture from IKEA. It's a perfect creative space!

Best Practices for Freelance Design Project Management
Here are a few productivity hacks, compiled by an efficiency nerd. My best advice for how to use time-tracking apps and project management apps, and how to organize your project files.

What Makes a Good Designer?
A designer is a scientifically artistic problem solver. What is a good designer to you?

Tips on How to Genuinely Grow Your Blog
My best tips for how to consistently create content, share your content, and make meaningful connections with bloggers and readers.
Straightforward Color Tips for Web and Blog Design
An easy to follow guide on how to use color in your blog and website designs, covering how and when to use color and focus on branding and clean design.

Increase Your Blog's Engagement on Twitter
In this post, I'll be talking about how to share your content on Twitter the right way, meaning more visibility, a higher chance of engagement (RT's, responses, clickthroughs), and getting the best outcome out of the smallest amount of work.

Home Workspace and Desk Tour - 2014
Early last week, I decided to rearrange parts of my apartment because I felt like a change of scenery would help with productivity. Whether or not that is just an old wives tale or not, I feel like it helped! I was inspired by a friend's recent desk tour post and wanted to share my new at-home work area. Enjoy!

What it Looks Like When You Find Your Passion
When you’ve found your passion, you’re in the groove and your surroundings can cease to exist. Here’s what it looks like when you’ve found your passion.

How to open an online shop
Have you thought about opening an online shop to sell handmade products? In this guest post, my dear friend Chrystina talks about her recent experience diving in and opening an online greeting card shop. She'll walk you through the business and marketing aspects as well as help you think critically through some parts that can be overlooked.

How to look like a professional blogger: 6 Quick tips
Your blog is your baby. It's your creative outlet and your way to express yourself. It's important to look professional on your blog. There are a few quick functional and aesthetic fixes and checks to do just this.

The done list
The Done List can help you keep a healthy balance of all three by helping you recognize your accomplishments.

How to Maximize Your Productivity as a Creative
When you've got a lot going on (creative, multipotentialite), you're probably working on at least 5 things in your brain right now. At least 5. If you do what I've done, and make a physical list of all of the things you're working on or would like to be working on, you may be surprised.

Motivate yourself past resistance
I’m in the middle of reading The Desire Map, a book about mindful living and goal setting, which asks you to set goals based on how you want to feel, not based on what you want to have. Mind explosion!

My Best Productivity Secrets
With my blogging and web design endeavors, there's something that I admittedly forget from time to time: Hard work pays off. I've fallen into a routine that makes me confident that I will get where I want to go, and I wanted to share some tips with you.