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Making the Ethical Move in Marketing
Marketing gets a bad rep because it’s usually associated with being intimidating, deceitful, or inauthentic. Here’s how to market your business in an ethical way.

9 Advanced On-Page SEO Techniques for Entrepreneurs to Provide a Better User Experience
SEO is only one part of the whole reader’s journey. Here are tips to make sure your content ranks high and also provides a good user experience.

A User Experience Designer is Like a Personal Stylist… at REI
A User Experience Designer is like a personal stylist at REI—they’ll help you look and feel good, and they will also make sure you’re wearing the right technical gear for your adventure so you’ll be prepared for and can enjoy the entire experience.

Why I Interview 5 of Your Ideal Customers to Create the Best Website Possible
UX Research what? User Experience research is a part of my holistic website package. It helps us do both market research and user research with your targeted audience so that we end up with the best website solution possible.

The Benefits of Working with a One-Woman Website Design Studio
Can one woman really do it all: website design, copywriting, marketing strategy, and user experience flow? Hell 👏 yes. And it’ll give you a better result overall. In fact, hiring a credentialed one-woman studio is going to be way more beneficial to you as a busy entrepreneur than hiring an agency or several different professionals for each area of expertise.

How to Use an Empathy Map to Better Understand Your ICA
Get a deep understanding of your ideal client avatar by running through an empathy mapping exercise for each of your target audience types. Entrepreneurs benefit from this exercise because it allows them to gather market research and then synthesize it so it’s more concrete.

7 Ways to Ensure Your Instagram Account Is Compliant for Accessibility Standards
Learn how to provide an accessible user experience for your Instagram community with alt text, image descriptions, an optimal IG caption length, smart emoji use, correct IG caption formatting, and more.

How to Create a Perfect Instagram Bio Link That’s Optimized for a Killer User Experience
So you got your ideal client to check out your profile and check out your Instagram bio link… but how do you make sure they have a frustration-free experience after they click? Here are tips to create the perfect Instagram bio link so it’s optimized for a good user experience… and will help drive sales.

Why Entrepreneurs Need User Experience (UX) Design: What It Is and Why It’s Important
User Experience Design for entrepreneurs is crucial. Here we explore what UX Design is, why it’s important, and how your business can benefit from a good user experience.

Top 3 Copywriting Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)
When going through copywriting reviews, there are three glaring mistakes I usually see: “I-centric” copy, confusing copy, and having too many calls to action. These are the copywriting mistakes I see everywhere and they make my brain hurt! But the great thing is that these are easy to fix, whether you hire a copywriter or not!

How to Charge Your Clients for Creative Work
There are a couple of things to consider when charging your clients for creative work. You need to think about how much your competitors charge, how much income you need (and whether you need to live off that income or if it's extra), your level of expertise, and how much value you're providing to the client.

How I Make $5K Monthly—2 Months After Becoming a Freelance Copywriter
I joined the Filthy Rich Writer’s Comprehensive Copywriting Academy course in April 2020, when I was making about $500 per month in my side job. By May, I made $3,500. June, July, and August, I made over $5,000 with my newfound copywriting skills. Here’s how I’m making $5,000 a month consistently.
Content Marketing Helps You Achieve Growth Mindset
Abundance mindset is when you believe there's unlimited potential and plenty of money to be had by all. This mindset isn't just some bogus, woo-woo mental space. You see others out there achieve and surpass their goals. Guess what? They've tapped into a growth mindset, and evergreen content marketing can help you get there.

Entrepreneurs: Declutter for Positive Energy
Any time of the year is the perfect time to declutter and reorganize, especially for freelancers and entrepreneurs who are working from home! Learn how to declutter for positive energy in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Digital Bullet Journal Video: Monthly Review in Notability
Digital bullet journaling is changing my life for the better. I already have my iPad with me on any given day, and not having to carry around an extra notebook and pens for traditional bullet journaling lightens my load a lot (which matters more now that I’m nearly in my third trimester of pregnancy!). In this post and video learn how to do a monthly task migration in Notability.

Creative Minimalists | Jamae of Hint of Jam
Jamae is a writer, multi-passionate, and a fellow bullet-journalist. In this interview she talks about how minimalism supports her career as a writer.

Bullet Journal Supplies You May Need to Get Started
This post will be all about materials you may need to get started. Obviously this list will accordion based on what you already have, but I wanted this post to be a one-stop-shop for materials you may absolutely pick up in order to get started on the right foot.

Disagree: blogging isn't writing
Can blogging be considered writing? Or is it just graffiti and trash?

What They Wished They Knew Before Posting Their First Skillshare Class
I'm so excited to present this roundup of information to you. I've made a few friends I've made through Skillshare and I'd love to know what advice they can give to newbies. If you aren't sure you want to post a Skillshare class yet, take a tip from these 5 ladies, and know that success can come to you via Skillshare.

How to Maximize Your Blogging and Content Marketing Workflow
In a soundbite and popcorn-brain technology-driven world, it can be difficult to be able to focus and to generate high quality content for your blog, especially when writing or mapping out a project plan or outline for something. While it's taken me quite a long time to be able to perfect my own blogging workflow, the process I've developed has been incredibly helpful for productivity. (Note: I know my process is far from perfect, but it's miles from where I started.)