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16 Ways I Use my iPad for Mindful Productivity and Focus
Here are several ways how I use my iPad to focus and be productive without ever touching my laptop.

Why Entrepreneurs Need User Experience (UX) Design: What It Is and Why It’s Important
User Experience Design for entrepreneurs is crucial. Here we explore what UX Design is, why it’s important, and how your business can benefit from a good user experience.

How to Charge Your Clients for Creative Work
There are a couple of things to consider when charging your clients for creative work. You need to think about how much your competitors charge, how much income you need (and whether you need to live off that income or if it's extra), your level of expertise, and how much value you're providing to the client.

How I Make $5K Monthly—2 Months After Becoming a Freelance Copywriter
I joined the Filthy Rich Writer’s Comprehensive Copywriting Academy course in April 2020, when I was making about $500 per month in my side job. By May, I made $3,500. June, July, and August, I made over $5,000 with my newfound copywriting skills. Here’s how I’m making $5,000 a month consistently.