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We only have two duties as parents. Therapy required, regardless.
The only two things you really need to know to parent your child well.

How to Declutter Toys: Tips from a Minimalist Mom
The thought of decluttering toys can be daunting: how do you do it with getting buy-in from your kids? Your children will benefit from a simplified toy collection and can learn the benefits of minimalism early.

How to Organize and Create a Secondhand Baby Registry
Are you considering throwing a secondhand baby shower? Or, might you be asking, “what the heck is a secondhand baby registry?” This post will get you up to speed on the what, why, and how of a secondhand baby registry.

A Minimalist and Zero Waste Advent Calendar for Kids (With Gifts)
Anticipating Christmas is one of the most exciting times of the year in a child's life. Did you grow up with an Advent calendar, celebrating each day of December up until Christmas? Here’s a way to give your children something every day but keep it minimal and nearo waste.

Non-Moms: A Word From Your Friends Who Are Moms
Your friends have kids and disappear. Suddenly they're too tired to meet up for happy hour, and planning get-togethers with your parent friends is difficult and it seems like you need to pencil something in weeks in advance. I assure you your mom friends still love you and think about you all the time. We’re still here!

A Zero Waste, Minimalist Birthday for Baby Beans
It’s Beans here. My mother requested I write another guest post for the blog to talk about my recent minimalist, zero waste birthday party. I’m now two years old.

The choice of simple
Guest blogger Ashlee and her husband chose to purchase a small former dairy farm in 2015 in an attempt to slow life down for them and their children.
Minimalist baby registry: basics
These are the things I definitely wish I knew in terms of what I needed (and what I didn't need) to prepare for my first baby.

Beans the Minimalist Baby
Hi. I'm Beans. I've been on this planet for just about 18 months now. I am a baby, and I am a minimalist. I'm here to tell you my minimalism story.

The $367 Minimalist Nursery Room Tour: Decor and Setup
Our painted nursery sat empty or in various states of disorganization for longer than I care to admit, but now it's a beautiful and simple solution for our newborn son. We decorated and furnished the nursery with everything-IKEA, and we did it all for a total out-of-pocket of $367.

Easy Baby DIY Project for a Changing Table Pad for the IKEA Sniglar
We purchased an IKEA SNIGLAR changing table for our newborn son. Turns out the the changing table pad was too big. I found a DIY and am now sharing that with you! With some scissors, sewing clips and thread, I made the changing pad so it would fit in our furniture. Follow along with this step-by-step DIY and budget-friendly project.