The Paperweight Font - My hand drawn font available for download

Let this serve as the official announcement of fun new things. Firstly, I created my second font, Paperweight, and it's available for download.

The Paperweight Font

Paperweight Font by Jennifer Coyle at Hello Brio StudioPaperweight Font by Jennifer Coyle at Hello Brio Studio
Paperweight Font by Jennifer Coyle at Hello Brio Studio

I've been inspired a lot by brush pen calligraphy and lettering lately. One weeknight I got out my graph paper and started drawing letterforms, determined to create a new font.

The process was very similar to my first font and I enjoyed it even more, since this was my second rodeo with this workflow. Oh, that rhymed, I apologize.

Paperweight font sketches and processPaperweight font sketches and process
Paperweight font sketches and process

You can see the multiple iterations of some letterforms… and this is one of the cleaner sheets!

Download Paperweight

There are a couple of ways to download Paperweight. You can purchase it on my site here, or on Creative Market.

Paperweight hand drawn font with characterPaperweight hand drawn font with character
Paperweight hand drawn font with character

Jenny Lee

Jenny is a writer and artist. Mama, minimalist, journaling enthusiast.

How to create 3D hand lettered text in Illustrator


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