How I journal on my iPad in Notability [2025]

If there’s any habit I’ve picked up and stuck with, it’s journaling. Like seriously, since I was 10 in the 1990’s. From Morning Pages to rapid journaling and everything in between, I love everything about keeping a handwritten journal. Sometimes I go back and forth between a digital journal and an analog one, but I love having the option to keep a completely private handwritten journal for topics that deserve their own unfiltered space.

I fell in love with handwriting my journal entries on my iPad with the Apple Pencil, and I’ve found that the best handwriting journaling app for the iPad is Notability. This is no secret. I LOVE Notability for handwriting on my iPad.

Daily journaling helps me solidify my thoughts and feelings, makes me feel more at peace, and boosts my creativity. (Plus, it’s a good front line of defense when I’m wondering what to do about something before I enlist the help of my spouse/friends/neighbors/complete strangers because I’m having another existential crisis 😅)

I get a lot of questions about how I keep a handwritten journal on my iPad. In this post, I’ll walk you through:

  • My process of journaling on my iPad using the Notability App and the Apple Pencil

  • Some benefits and downfalls of digital journaling

  • Some tips on how to get the most out of the experience


Recommended tools for digital journaling on the iPad using your handwriting

Before I get into my process, benefits, and tips, though, here are my recommended tools for handwritten journaling on the iPad:

  • iPad Pro. You certainly don’t have to use an iPad Pro; I’ve also done this on my iPad Mini and my son uses Notability on his student-level iPad! However, I find that I love the performance of the Pro. I recommend any iPad that accepts a magnetic Apple Pencil so you don’t have to worry about charging the pencil separately.

  • Apple Pencil. I use the 2nd Generation Apple Pencil to handwrite my journal entries (and to draw in Procreate and Affinity Designer) because it’s the one that’s compatible with my iPad. This link is for the Apple Pencil Pro because it has lots of new features and is compatible with the iPad Pro linked above. Ask for help if you’re not sure if the Pencil you’re looking at is compatible with your iPad.

  • Notability. Sure, there are other handwriting-to-text apps or PDF markup apps, but I love Notability because of its streamlined UI, frequent upgrades and app store releases, and excellent support team.

  • The Paperlike screen protector. This screen protector does exactly what it says it does: it makes the experience of writing on the iPad more like putting pen to paper. The paper-feel screen protector provides more friction and a matte surface to write and draw on. I made a video about it here, and still swear by it as the best matte screen protector for handwritten journaling and drawing on the iPad.

My process of setting up my handwritten journal on my iPad

Keeping a digital journal on my iPad is SO simple and fun. I look forward to the practice, as it’s so relaxing and creatively rewarding. I found a way to make it super easy in Notability:

  • I have one locked journal “Subject” in Notability where all of my journals live.

  • Each note ends up being my journal for one full year. It may seem like a lot of entries in one note, but because notes are searchable and bookmarkable, it makes sense for me to store them like this.

  • When I’m done for the year, I simply start a new “note.”

This is also great because I can have everything I need at my fingertips when I want to go to a coffee shop and travel light.

  • I can review all of my past entries within Notability because of prior years, and also because I scan my analog journals.

  • For peace of mind, I keep my journal entries separate from my digital planner in Notability, so that private stuff stays safe behind a password.

Here are a couple of journaling methods that I practice in my journals, as well as a walkthrough of my digital journaling template bundle:

Morning Pages

For Morning Pages à la Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, I go into my journal of the year and scroll to the next blank dot grid spread from my journaling bundle template. I drop the date and time at the top, and then write in a stream of consciousness for as long as I can. I do my best to remove all self-doubt and self-judgment and just keep writing.

Traditionally, Morning Pages are 3 full handwritten pages. Because of the zoom ratio, I aim to complete 3 half pages in my journaling template, which equates to about 3 pages in a hardcover notebook like an A5 Leuchtturm 1917.

Gratitude log and deep gratitude journaling

One of my favorite new habits is gratitude journaling. I make sure to do this daily, but the amount I go into detail for each gratitude item varies. At the very least, I will jot down 3 quick things I’m grateful for; maybe a few words each.

However, I get the most out of deep gratitude journaling, where I spend a few minutes diving into the details of something I’m grateful for. By taking the time to write out salient details, it cements the positive memory and allows me to find more delight in the experience that I might’ve previously glossed over.

I love using my deep gratitude journaling template that I included in my digital journaling bundle because it gives me just the right amount of space to get into the details while staying on track.

Rapid journaling or interstitial journaling

For quick journaling, I will oftentimes use the side of my daily planner template in order to capture quick notes or ideas throughout the day, Bullet Journal rapid-log style. This is sometimes called Interstitial Journaling, which is like writing down thoughts and items between meetings or between focused blocks of work, sometimes with the time noted, just to be able to reflect upon later that night in more depth.

Weekly reflection

For these weekly journal reflections, I use my weekly reflection template and document, in 3 columns:

  • What went well and what I accomplished

  • What didn’t go well and what needs to be improved

  • What I want to prioritize next week

This works well because it helps me assess time in smaller chunks than say, a whole month, or even the entire year. It makes it a lot easier for me to amplify my habits or behaviors that are working for me, and adjust the ones that aren’t.

Daily 54321 reflections

I recently started using a 54321 nightly reflection that I developed. I created a weekly template in my journaling bundle.

This 54321 method guides you to capture:

This journaling method is great because it takes the guesswork out of what to write about, and it also takes only a couple of minutes to complete. I love doing this when I really want to continue my journaling streak but when I’m not in the mood to write in full sentences.

Here’s more info on the 54321 journaling method:

The Why Dive

Sometimes you need a really quick rate of revelation when you’re journaling. I’ve found that the Why Dive is one of the best functional journaling methods because it helps me discover what’s behind a certain decision or thought I’m having, quickly. It almost asks as a life coach, because it pulls meaningful emotions and reasons from you that you might not have been able to uncover otherwise.

You can read more about the Why Dive here, but essentially you state your phrase and then ask yourself “Why?” about 5 times until you get to the core reason of something. It’s scary effective and very eye-opening.

Benefits of digital journaling

Handwritten journal entries—on your iPad!

Because handwriting on the iPad is possible with the Apple Pencil, journaling on the iPad allows you to get a lot out of the experience of writing longhand like you would in an analog, paper journal. By writing longhand on your iPad, you’re able to tap into the same/similar core-centered experience that you get from writing in a traditional journal. Your muscle memory is there, and your slower processing of emotions and events happen naturally when you write journal entries on the iPad.

Typing a journal entry like on Day One or even Apple Notes can be great, but sometimes you just need to slow down to process everything and get out your thoughts in a more mindful way.

Your handwriting will probably look different at first because you’re writing on a glass surface rather than with pen on paper. The Paperlike screen protector can help a lot with this, adding friction so that the writing experience feels more natural. With some practice (and some handwriting drills, if you’re looking for a gold star), your handwriting on the iPad in your journal can improve quickly!

Security and privacy with your digital journal!

With an iPad, you have extra layers of security with biometric passwords, numeric passwords, etc. Your iPad may already have a lock on it that can only be opened with your FaceID, TouchID, or your numeric passcode, and you can also add a layer of security to your journal notes in Notability, protecting your innermost thoughts one step further.

Never again do you have to worry about leaving your journal out for a friend, family member, partner, or child to pick up and start reading.

As far as your data privacy, Notability stores all notes on your device, and it’s only if you choose to sync your notes with a cloud solution like iCloud or Google Drive will it be shared at all. (Though I highly recommend syncing your Notability data to the cloud, because life happens.) Notability never has access to your notes, and they do not sell or give away your data. You can read more about their data privacy if that helps.

Nostalgia, memorabilia, memory keeping, and scrapbooking in your digital journal is so easy!

Because it’s all digital, you can insert a photo of anything and plop that image directly into your journal without having to whip out the printer, scissors, and glue. (While an iPad is very expensive up front, you might end up saving a ton of money on scrapbooking supplies, pens, highlighters, stickers, photo printers, etc!)

I love to doodle in my digital journal and digital planner, especially on the go, and it makes for a very fun memory keeping journal if you use a digital planner template.

Doodle memory keeping in a vertical weekly digital planner

With a digital journal, you definitely lose the same nostalgic experience of leafing through old journals or pasting in photos or washi tape, etc. The lack of tactile experience can feel a bit sterile at times. But—I have to say, the versatility of digital journaling and digital scrapbooking is amazing and easily make up for it in a different way. You can do anything you imagine—without having to go out and buy supplies.

Plus, journaling on the couch on your iPad is much easier than whipping out your stationery supplies and losing pens and stuff under your blankets and pillows.

Digital journaling supplies are endless!

Digital journaling allows me any highlighter and pen color under the rainbow. For this, I am eternally grateful—and so is my stationery budget. Plus, I created some digital stickers that I love to use, and I plan to make more. And also—you always have these supplies at your fingertips.

Some of the tools at your fingertips in Notability

BUT, I know there’s nothing quite like a trip to a stationery store to have a big spending spree on stickers, washi tape, pens, etc…. But I do have to say that my back and bank thank me for keeping these hauls minimal.

Cloud syncing!

If you lose your iPad, you’ll likely have a cloud-synced version of your digital journal entries that you set up through Notability. (By the way, make sure you set up Cloud backup through Notability!)

If you were to break or lose your iPad, it’d be a bummer, but you can rest assured knowing your journal isn’t completely lost. You’d be able to spin up your digital journaling practice as soon as you’re in front of a replacement iPad.

It’s also really nice that you can have your journal on you at all times, no matter what device you’re on. You can open Notability on your computer and your phone, too. Sometimes I’ll have old journals open on my computer while I work on the current journal on my iPad, for example.

Give digital journaling on your iPad a try!

Most of all, have fun with digital journaling! Whether or not you end up trying a digital journal, I’m glad you’re here. Journaling is a rewarding and therapeutic practice that people swear by. I constantly thank my 10-year-old self for penning her first journal entry about learning to crochet, giving me a 30+ year hobby. Journaling is a practice that provides solace and a safe, patient place to air my thoughts and feelings.

Digital journaling, especially with using your own handwriting, brings the journaling experience to the next level, with all of the benefits I mentioned above: digital handwriting, security, cloud syncing, endless stationery supplies, the ability to import photos, and doodling and drawing. I hope you give digital journaling a try with the Notability app, iPad, and Apple Pencil, and love it as much as I do!

I created some templates that can help make your digital journaling a little easier and provide some guidance, if you’re not sure where to get started with journaling in general. As an avid journaler, I’m always surprised when I reach for my own templates to get me unstuck.

Leave your tips, questions, and comments below for digital journaling on your iPad using Notability and your Apple Pencil.

Thanks for reading! Please share the post with anyone you think would love to try this.

Jenny Lee

Jenny is a writer and artist. Mama, minimalist, journaling enthusiast.

What’s in my pencil case | 2025 minimal, sustainable, luxury


Deep Gratitude Journaling: Get more out of your gratitude practice on your iPad