Keeping things ASAP (as simple as possible)

It’s funny how we overcomplicate things.

A mini assignment turns into a 5-part, 36-step project within minutes.

The desire to buy a replacement lampshade turns into a full-on multi-weekend redecorating project.

Oftentimes, we find ourselves at a fork in the road:

  • Do you let something expand into a never-ending attempt to get things just right? or

  • Do you keep things as simple as possible?

This came up for me recently when faced with the question of “What the heck do I do with my Flodesk newsletter now that I’m using Revue?”

I could either:

  • Make things complicated by figuring out a new welcome series automation via tons of Zapier zaps and cross my fingers, hoping Flodesk works bi-directionally with Revue… then figure out how to deliver my free Minimalism Map workbook with a free Squarespace product where the downloads would be tracked automatically… and then figure out how to remove the shipping address from the order process because who the heck would want to provide their address in order to download a free digital product… and then also hope that they continue to open the welcome email sequence even though it hasn’t really worked for me in the past… and then fret that I made the wrong decision to do it this way and then figure out how to pay for Flodesk and manage Revue on the side omg what am I even doing… OR

  • Just move my subscribers over to Revue and be done with it.

Well, I hope you didn’t read through my entire scattered thought process for the more complicated path.

It just goes to show you that you can either spend your energy spiraling into problem-solving an increasingly complex situation… or you can just choose the simple route and move on.

Especially since I have more important things to focus on right now, like YouTube10 and Ship30for30.

What’s a simple vs complex decision you’ve made recently, and how did it go?

Side note: make sure to subscribe on YouTube because I’ll be publishing 10 new videos in the next 5 weeks!

Things to Read + Watch

Journal Prompt

Create a “worry list” 1-2 hours before bed to release your anxieties onto paper so you can sleep better. (It works for me!)

Be safe and well! 🖤

Jenny Lee

Jenny is a writer and artist. Mama, minimalist, journaling enthusiast.

A minimalist’s desk tour


You are not your to-do list: How to get back to basics with self-care