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Minimalist Mornings: 20 Things I Do Before I Sit Down to My 9-5
Minimalism is way more than cleaning out your closet or decluttering your kitchen. With minimalism principles, you have the power to design your life so that your priorities are front and center.

How (and Why) to Cut Coffee and Caffeine From Your Life
Thinking about going caffeine-free for one reason or another? Here are some tips on how to do it so that you can really quit coffee for real this time.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety Relief
There are many homeopathic and natural ways to help alleviate your feelings of anxiousness via herbs, spa treatments, and even solutions as simple as altering your daily routine.

Try Digital Minimalism with Screenless Saturdays + Sundays
How does 24 hours of a screen-free existence sound? No phones, no tablets, no computers, and no TV’s. Here’s how to take some optimal rest so you can return to your week feeling truly refreshed.

Moving Meditations for Mindfulness
Whether your goals of meditation are to clear your mind, slow down your thoughts, gain clarity of thinking, reduce stress, or anything else… there are ways to meditate while you’re moving. Creative entrepreneurs can benefit from making the time and space to harness your constant flow of thoughts and ideas.

Hello again
I beg you to take a step back and JUST BE from time to time. This is easier said than done sometimes; it’s far too easy to reach for our phones and answer texts or scroll through social media than it is to sit still and be in the moment.

Your Apple Watch Offers Mindfulness Beyond Meditation Apps
Your Apple Watch can allow you to be more mindful beyond meditation and breathing apps. Live as intentionally as possible. Be in the moment. Focus on the now. But the battle between technology and mindfulness is constant. Here are some tips on how to be more mindful with the help of your Apple Watch.

I Get High Every Morning Before Work
I get high every morning before work. I look forward to my morning routine more now than ever before. I dedicate a good half an hour to something that makes me incredibly happy, and it has extra added benefits too.

Embracing the Void: Thoughts on My Social Media Ban
Going on a social media ban taught me more about myself than I ever really wanted to know. I started the ban because of a dream, and it ended up being an uncomfortable but valuable lesson.

The TV Slowdown: 8 Hours of Daily TV to Zero
Not too long ago, I was watching upwards of 8 hours of TV per day. Now I watch zero. Z-E-R-O. Here’s how I decreased my TV consumption.

People and Things: Everything is Temporary
People come in and out of your life. Enjoy them while they are there. In the end, all you really have is yourself.

The choice of simple
Guest blogger Ashlee and her husband chose to purchase a small former dairy farm in 2015 in an attempt to slow life down for them and their children.

Mindfulness in Action: The Month-Long Social Media Ban
I had a dream where I wanted to do a month-long social media ban. So, what do I do when I wake up? I just go ahead and start one. Delete twitter, instagram, and facebook cold turkey.

Hard Work and Mindfulness Can Co-Exist
There’s nothing wrong with hard work, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of life’s more important areas: health, relationships, passion. -The Minimalists

Why I Cancelled Netflix
I’m on a cancelling kick lately. Here are all the reasons why I cancelled Netflix, even though it isn’t a huge expense.

Stop Should
While it may not be possible right away for stop using the word should, at least start noticing when you do use the word and what your thoughts and feelings are around the topic at hand when you do say it.

iPhone Minimalism: Outsmart Your Smartphone
When it comes to smartphones, it's very clear that phones aren't just being used as tools. They're being used as crutches. How are we supposed to enjoy what's here and now when our iPhones have hold of our senses?

How Close Do You Feel to Everyone in the World?
Apparently this is super important. How close do you feel?