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Easily create a color palette in Illustrator from a photograph
Color palette inspiration can come from anywhere. A lot of times, beautiful, harmoniously-colored photography is a great place to start. In this tutorial, I walk you through the best and most fool-proof way to develop and build a beautiful color palette from a photograph using Illustrator and the crystallize tool.
Create confetti by creating a custom scatter brush in Illustrator
Adding “confetti” to your artwork is a great way to add depth, dimension, and interest. It's easy to create your own confetti in Illustrator. Follow my tutorial to create your own digital confetti by creating a custom scatter brush in Illustrator.

How to make your own font using Glyphs and Illustrator
Have you always wanted to learn how to make your own font? Creating a font is easier than you think. You can learn how to create a font by reading this post. I'll walk you through how to use Glyphs and Illustrator to make your own hand-drawn font that you can use for personal use or to sell for profit!
How to create 3D hand lettered text in Illustrator
Create 3D hand lettered text with personality. Follow along with this step by step tutorial in Photoshop and Illustrator to achieve a fun effect.
Illustrator and hand lettering tutorial: brush calligraphy using a Wacom tablet
Here's how to set up your Wacom Tablet for Illustrator to be able to have fun with brush pen lettering.